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Contributing to Our Archive

Contributing to this website

We welcome all contibutions to this archive. A contibution might be additional material, or a correction or further information regarding an existing item in the collection. You will be publically (unless you wish otherwise) recognised on our website as an Honored Contributor.

To contibute to this archive please contact us using the 'Contact Us' page on the website.

Terms of Use of a Contribution

When you provide photos, text or any other media content to this website, you retain the copyright in your contribution. As you still retain your copyright, you can continue to use your content as you like, including the ability to also allow others to use it.

However, by contributing to the site, you agree to release your contribution under a Creative Commons Licence (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). This means that other people, including the editors and the visitors of this site, can use your material free of charge, share it, copy it, distribute it and/or transmit it, as long as the user attributes the work, the work is used for Non-Commercial purposes and the work is not altered or transformed.

When you contribute material to this website, you must only share your own original content or content which you are sure does not infringe the copyright of third parties.

If your content clearly identifies anyone else you will need to ensure that they have consented to the content being used by this website for the purposes for which you submitted it and/or any other uses deemed reasonable by the editors of the website. Where your content clearly identifies children under the age of 16 you must ensure that their parent or guardian has provided the consent.

The archive editors are under no obligation to publish any text or photos submitted to the site. The editors may alter the text of material accepted for publication for the sake of clarity, without the author being notified.

Digital versions of images submitted with the story may need to be cropped by the editors to facilitate the creation of thumbnails. This cropping will be done with sensitivity to the subject of the image.

The website’s editors reserve the right to reject material on the grounds of copyright infringement, offensiveness or other legal considerations.

This website cannot accept contributions of a commercial, marketing or advertising nature. We will, however, accept editorial content from commercial organisations (for example, the memories of a shop owner).