

This website could not have been produced without the fantastic support of John Loosley, Kay Rhodes and Pat Carrick of the Oakridge History Group who have freely given me time, knowledge and patience with my persistent pursuit of content and insight.

As an 'incomer', one of Oakridge's most striking features is the level of community activity, energy and involvement and so it is no surprise that many people have stepped forward with information, photographs, stories and, most valuably of course, corrections!

I would like to thank all those who have helped in so many ways and would especially mention Alison Gardiner for her enthusiastic support, her encyclopaedic knowledge and some super photographs and documents and Mike Mills for granting me access to the Stanley Gardiner Collection of photographs and also to his wider photographic collection as well as his huge knowledge of the area and its people.

Last, and by no means least, my sincere thanks to my wife, Janet, who probably infected me with her 'history bug' and whose knowledge and support has been invaluable - let alone her patience as I disappear, yet again, to the study ...

Dr Martin Wyatt