Browse Items (469 total)
Since the advent of the Internet age Oakridge residents had had to put up with very slow speed connections either via their old fashioned phone lines…
In 2018, to commemorate the end of the Great War, Oakridge History Group researched and documented those who served in the Great War and survived to…
After the end of WW1, Rothenstein was offered the post of Principal of the Royal College of Art in London. This was something very close to his heart,…
Images are from a property sales brochure, 2018.Iles Green dates back to the early part of the 17th century. Sir William Rothenstein, artist and,…
Pictures L - R, T - B:1. The Butchers Arms Landlord, Peter Coupe 2. Oakridge Show - Winner of flower section 3 . Butchers Arms Group 4. May Queen…
During WWI the women in the village took in machining work for one of the factories on Brick Row where Mr White, who lived in the village worked. The…
Williant Gardner, Frank Gardner, Walter Whitinq, and Alfred Alley, youths of Oakridge, were charged with doing wilful damage to a void house at…
Fifty years ago "The fastest train in the world" was reputed to be the run from Paddington, Reading, Swindon to Kemble. After that it dawdled…